
It has been nearly two years now, since I left my apartment in Toulouse, and since I began the Camino. There has been much exploration and plenty of missteps-- personally, spiritually, geographically, professionally. I feel I know less than I ever have, yet I have fewer questions, too.

My writing practice is more grounded. My boundaries surrounding creation are solid. My body and its needs feel easy to hear, now. But community. Community is the big one. Community is integral to who we are, the world we perceive, and the work we build, and along my many moves, many ideas have washed away. But one is still here: my curiosity in language as a tool for peace.

The teaching has stuck, too, as I continue to tutor students here and there. This one has surprised me, but I realize, lightly, many keys to what we are searching for, are hidden in plain sight.

The work now is in maintaining a calm nervous system, to set roots, and to work in service toward these beliefs, carrying the gifts I have been given, and to take care of them. 

I am applying to jobs again for language teaching in France, as well as some grad schools surrounding International Policy. I have no idea what is in store, but I have felt love again and again, in many places, for many people, and can feel that this next step is simply the culmination of many before’s into one more act of faith.

